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Collecting accurate radiation data between Earth and Mars

04 May

Teddy Chang

Published by Teddy Chang

My name is Teddy Chang and I come from Taiwan. I’m a third-grade university student of the NCKU Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics.

First of all, I’d like to say that I’m very happy to participate to this space mission with each one of you seniors in this team. I have a feeling that I will learn a lot through this process. I'm also very eager to be focusing and spending time on this space mission during two semesters, through my project course.

Furthermore, I will have a specific role : the “OBDH optimization & budget”. It consists in working on On-Board Data Handling (translating signals from the CubeSat to ground command) and price & weights budget. However, computers and data handling is not my main training content, so it will indeed be a challenge for me. And I’m already preparing to take up the challenge.

Last but not least, my minor subject is “Communication Hardware Analysis”, which is focusing on hardware component of communication. This task is quite similar to OBDH but more specialized in communication.

All above is my self-introduction, nice to meet you seniors and looking forward to working with you.

Picture :


Teddy Chang
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good post gays thanks
enjoy read your post...
Obat sipilis
Obat sipilis
thanks for shared ;)

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Collecting accurate radiation data between Earth and Mars